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Best Manual Testing Services In India

Manual testing is very cost effective in the long run and the software often ends up being bug free.

Manual testing is the process of testing applications and software to pick out the bugs, errors, flaws and defects. Ofcourse, automation testing is the best, but it is always better when you add a human touch to test the software since it resolves issues that automation testing could not handle. There are generally 6 types of manual testing, namely, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Gray Box Testing, System Testing, Integration Testing and Acceptance Testing. Any type of application can be tested, however, it is best recommended for ad-hoc and monkey testing.

Why Should You Go For Manual Testing?

Real-Time Testing

Appropriate UI/UX Testing

Expanded Adaptability

More Flexibility

Less Costlier

Can Find & Fix More Issues

Use Human Perspectiv